You need a government TOMER certificate recognized in public and private universities and institutions. The solution is simple 🤩 All you have to do is start by registering for the Tomer exam, which will be supervised by Harran State University. Exam details: Online exam Exam date : 02/18/2022 Exam timing : 14:00 Fees : 350 lira •Application through a special system for the University of Harran The exam is divided into: 1-Okuma 30 questions (choose the correct answer) Duration 60 minutes 2-Yazma: The first question : Choose
TOMER Online Exam Level 5 C1 Online exam..without a camera Yes, without a camera and from your home, a C1 exam from a recognized public university in all of Turkey and with preparatory classes before the exam for free. Do not miss the opportunity to obtain a Tomer certificate now The exam is under the supervision of Marash State University ( SÜTÇÜ İMAM ÜNİVERSİTESİ ) • Exam date: 02/12/2022 • Exam timing: 10:30 am • Zoom conversation test on Sunday •